Courtyard 1 –Men’s area –“Freedom”
• A bird does not sing because it has an answer. It sings because it has a song.
A line of different sized ceramic birds flows in two wandering lines along the wall to represent the pathway to recovery and a sense of freedom. Each piece is intricately textured with printed and painted images relating to trees, flowers and the sky. This work includes pieces made in 3 workshops with patients, uses words and phrases from poetry workshops and expresses the patient’s feelings for the unit. The whole piece has a playful feeling of breaking free from the things which try to tie us in knots.
Courtyard 2 –Women’s area – “Sunshine”
• “Just living is not enough,” said the butterfly, “one must have sunshine, freedom and a little flower.”
~Hans Christian Anderson
Colourful ceramic butterflies flying along the walled garden brighten the outdoor space and bring a dance of colour to the garden. Again, patient’s feelings and hopes are expressed on the printed ceramic surface which becomes evident when they are closely inspected, each one an individual: just as each patient is.
Just finished this piece for the new Mental Health Unit in Gransha, it includes work made by patients and staff in the old unit. The new facilities look fantastic and hope they are pleased with their artwork in the outside courtyards.